about our founder  
AdoptInternational was founded by Candace O'Brien. Ms. O'Brien is an Illinois-licensed attorney who spent over 15 years working abroad. During this time she served as an executive with the US government and later as an executive and corporate legal counsel with an international media organization headquartered in Central Europe.  There, she provided legal assistance for the establishment of bureaus throughout Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. During these years, Ms. O'Brien grew to love and admire the rich cultures of this fascinating, diverse region of the world.

During a trip to Baku, Azerbaijan in 1997, Ms. O'Brien had the opportunity to visit an orphanage and it was this visit that changed the course of her life and career. She decided that she could devote her considerable international background and legal experience in helping these orphaned children find families.

For the past 7 years, Ms. O'Brien has been developing international adoption programs, providing consultation to adoption agencies throughout the United States, and helping families grow through international adoption.
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